Faculty Profile

Dr Sadia Saleem

Long Leave, Professor, HEC Approved PhD Supervisor

School of Professional Psychology

Department of Clinical Psychology

 : [email protected]     : 3551   

Dr. Sadia Saleem is working as Acting Dean and Associate Professor in School of Professional Psychology, UMT Lahore. Dr. Sadia completed her PhD in 2011 from Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan and post-doctoral Fulbright visiting scholarship at the Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA in 2018. She has undertaken a cross-cultural research on family cohesion, interpersonal factors and mental health functioning in US and Pakistani university students.

Dr. Sadia has more than 14 years of teaching and research experience to MS and PhD levels with 46 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Sadia teaches quantitative research methods, cross-cultural psychology, ethical and professional issues.

She is extensively involved in clinical and research supervision and supervised more than 70 MS research dissertation and supervising 5 Doctoral dissertation. Her main research interests lie in school psychology, family dynamics, attachment, parenting, self and identity. She has also worked on the PTSD and resilience of Emergency Rescue workers and developed several indigenous assessment procedures for school children including emotional and behavioural problems, self-esteem, social intelligence, bullying, and resilience and so on.

Dr. Sadia has been actively involved in organizing national and international conferences, seminars and workshops in the university. She is the member of Board of Studies and external examine of BS, MS and PhD of various national universities.

Her current research interests are cross-cultural psychology, anxiety in children, OCD, self-regulation, eating problems, family functioning, mental toughness, parenting styles, attachment, embitterment, teachers and marginalized populations.

Dr. Sadia is an active member of University of Management and Technology, Lahore. She has served as a member of BASAR, Academic Council, Disciplinary Committee and Financial Assistance Committee.

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