One of the main roles of a university Department keep pace with the knowledge and the developments in the field while searching for new venues for application to meet the changing needs of the community. It has to be said that the Department of Clinical Psychology fulfilled this role admirably. In a short history going back to 2012 the DCP not only opened new vistas for application of Clinical Psychology in term of teaching, training and research, it has also been shown that by developing culturally appropriate approaches we can study the causes and consequences and those psychological problems identify that endemic in our society. We can also develop our own remedies.
For the last 8 years DCP-UMT has been working towards this goal through innovative ideas and holding annual national / international conferences to exchange our knowledge and experiences with our colleague at home and abroad. Just to give you some idea about the direction and emphasis of the work of DCP. Since 2015 we have organized conferences on we have held conferences on:
2015 Indigenizing Clinical: issues and challenges
2017 Clinical Psychology and the Developing World,
2018 Promoting Mental Health in Schools,
2019 Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology
2020 Covid-19 the Changing Horizons
This year the theme of the conference is on issues that are endemic in our society and cause a lot of pain and psychological distress, yet we seems to ignore the impact of social practices. We hope by drawing attention to these problems we can more awareness might lead to the development of consistent policies and concerted practices.
We hope that the UMT Department of Clinical Psychology will continue to serve the community with their knowledge and experience in helping to deal with issue causing distress in our society.