A growth Group on “Emotional Intelligence: Take a charge of your Emotions” was conducted by Ms. Tahira Rubab Hafeez Consultant Clinical Psychologist on Friday 7th December 2018 for Clinical Psychology Students of Adult semester Batch-11. Resource person talked about the importance of identification of emotions and how it can help the trainee clinical psychologists while dealing their own and client’s emotions. It is very important for a person to know about their strengths and weakness as when a person know about their strengths and weakness they won’t be manipulated. Moreover, she also explained that those goals which are attached to our emotions can lead us towards success. She further mentioned that now a days companies hire those people who are emotionally intelligent because they are passionate and strong resilient for their work. Furthermore, she explained the cycle of emotional intelligence that first we think, then we feel and act. She gave different examples related to this cycle. Additionally, she also highlighted significance of self-awareness, 7 basic and strong emotions and their coping. At the end, she conducted deep breathing exercise for students with this note that our minds can't differentiate between reality and fantasy world, so why not we should make our own environment which nurture our emotions, “Fake it than make it”. At the end session was concluded that we need to recognize our triggers in which our emotions get heightened, so If once we train enough to recognize them we can become a better version of our self.

Overall It was very healthy and good interaction with students, they learn about their own emotional problems and their coping.